
Dinosaur proteins and radiocarbon wreak ‘Jurassic World’ havoc

Latest creationist research demolishes dinosaur dogma



The record-earning movie Jurassic World continuously reminds its viewing audience that dinosaurs went extinct tens of millions of years ago. Most agree with this, of course, because it is the standard view of the evolutionary establishment. But just days after the movie hit big screens around the world, six technical papers in a special, groundbreaking, dinosaur issue of the journal Creation Research Society1 Quarterly (CRSQ) presented evidence that directly confronts the millions-of-years concept.2

I wrote one paper that reviewed a few dozen reports published over several decades in evolutionary journals, all showing evidence of original biochemicals like collagen protein persisting in dinosaur bones and other fossils. Apparently, not all fossils are totally permineralized and this remains a thorny issue for evolutionist researchers in trying to explain how such organic material could still be intact in the remains of dinosaurs that supposedly died out at least 65 million years ago. Indeed, the paper also identified published decay rates that show proteins have a maximum shelf-life of fewer than a million years, assuming reasonable earth surface temperatures.

The Jurassic World movie even mentions the dinosaur “soft tissues” that creation scientists have long argued shows a recent burial.3,4 In one scene, two young characters discuss how iron acted as a preservative to keep proteins and DNA around long enough for the movie’s scientists to reconstruct an array of extinct animals. This ‘iron solution’ idea has taken on a life of its own in an attempt to explain how soft tissue, proteins and blood cells could survive in fossils that are ‘obviously tens of millions of years old’. The whole idea of iron generating free radicals as a preservative is firmly debunked in one of the CRSQ papers. Here, two Ph.D. chemists demonstrate that the radicals, and the water they are transported in, actually destroy the chemicals of life, not preserve them.5 One wonders where such iron rich solutions might apparently appear so abundantly in nature, and paint themselves onto inner bone proteins as to preserve the dozens of dinosaur proteins found around the world with no evidence of iron on or near them.

Another paper in this dino issue features stunning close-up images of intact bone cells from a Triceratops horn. Researchers used a strong chelating agent (EDTA) to dissolve and remove the bone’s hard minerals. Remarkably, they also show networks of tiny blood vessels. This adds to the list of original biochemicals and tissue remnants that should not exist in fossils any older than one million years.

Creation researcher Vance Nelson and I wrote the last CRSQ paper in this issue, which showed even more clearly how far Jurassic World departs from science and history. Carbon dates from seven dinosaur bones, including the Triceratops that yielded cells, also indicate young fossils. Radiocarbon in fish fossils, and even Paleozoic wood and lizard samples add to dozens of already published radiocarbon dates for fossils, wood, shells, and coal—all supposedly tens or hundreds of millions of years old. Carbon-14 decays so fast that it should all have become stable nitrogen-14, and would be undetectable after well under a million years.6 Vance Nelson’s book Untold Secrets of Planet Earth: Flood Fossils noted carbon-14 in dinosaur bones tested by the radioisotope lab of a major university in the US. What is it doing in so many samples, including dinosaur bones?

One simple suggestion solves these dilemmas—dinosaur fossils formed thousands, not millions of years ago. That’s why they still have proteins, cells, and radiocarbon. But due to the ruling paradigm of millions of years of evolution, such ‘young’ ages for the existence of dinosaurs are simply dismissed.

All this reveals a stunning Jurassic irony. In order to pretend that dinosaurs could not live with humans, evolutionary history demands we overlook genetics, biochemistry and radiocarbon results. But if we follow these sciences and instead look past millions-of-years dogma, we find that dinosaurs really did live only thousands of years ago, with humans.7

Published: 25 June 2015

References and notes

  1. The CRS is the only professional society for creation scientists with at least a Masters degree in science, who all contribute on a volunteer basis. See creationresearch.org. Return to text.
  2. See articles in Creation Research Society Quarterly 51, 2015. Return to text.
  3. Thomas, B. Original Animal Protein in Fossils? Creation 35(1):14–16, 2013. Return to text.
  4. Catchpoole, D., Double-decade dinosaur disquiet: For twenty years now, dino bones have progressively divulged their contents to researchers who did not expect to find the likes of DNA and radiocarbon ‘millions of years’ after dinosaur extinction. Creation 36(1):12–14, 2014. Return to text.
  5. See Smith, C., Dinosaur soft tissue: In seeming desperation, evolutionists turn to iron to preserve the idea of millions of years, 28 January 2014, especially ‘Technical update, 19 June 2015’ at the bottom of the article that summarizes and cites the CRSQ paper. Return to text.
  6. Sarfati, J., Diamonds: a creationist’s best friend: Radiocarbon in diamonds: enemy of billions of years, Creation 28(4):26–27, 2006. Return to text.
  7. This aligns with biblical history too. See Batten, D. et al. What about Dinosaurs? The Creation Answers Book, Ch. 19, 2014. Return to text.

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