Gay Marriage: right or wrong?

And who decides?

Soft Cover

Soft Cover

Product Audience:
High School-Adult


Gary Bates, Lita Cosner


It is becoming ever more difficult, even for Christians, to think clearly about this emotion-charged issue. This booklet openly and frankly discusses the facts and helps clear away much of the confusion and misinformation that characterizes this debate. Reading this booklet will help people to be better informed when discussing this ‘hot button’ issue. Both scientifically and biblically sound, it displays genuine compassion while at the same time not shirking the truth. In short, a really great little booklet that clears up much confusion on a vital topic. This is a must read for anyone intending to engage this issue.

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10–49 copies: $2.50 each
50–99 copies: $2.00 each
100–499 copies: $1.50 each
500+ copies: $1.25 each
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See also:

Creation Magazine
Issue 46:3

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Journal of Creation
Issue 38:1

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