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Proclaiming Creation in a scientific age-->
Contrary to the tired old mantra, ‘science has disproved the Bible’, biblical literate and scientifically informed Christians can (and should) proclaim creation with well-founded confidence.
by Philip Bell
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 2
Deep-time compromise has had a negative effect on the Christian church despite claims to the contrary.
by John K. Reed and Shaun Doyle
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 1
Old-earth creationists should face the reality that their position more aligns them with a worldview that opposes Christianity.
by John K. Reed and Shaun Doyle
Does creation damage Christianity’s credibility?
Do compromising interpretations of Genesis help apologetics?
by Lita Sanders
Did Adam and Eve have to eat before the Fall?
Answering questions about whether Adam and Eve needed to eat before the Fall and why the Bible mentions gold in the Garden of Eden.
by Shaun Doyle
The boy who’s proud to be a killer
Is the troubled teenager who boasted about killing his teacher a product of evolutionary brainwashing?
by Warren Nunn
Did Adam understand what death was?
Is it possible that Adam could not have comprehended death if he had not seen death?
by Charles Taylor
Can all those scientists be wrong?
What does history say?
by Gordon Howard
Is cancer ‘very good’?
Old earth creationists attempt to avoid the issue of ‘no death before the Fall’ by postulating animal death in the ‘very good’ creation. But is cancer and death ‘very good’?
by Calvin Smith
Eve created from Adam’s rib
Why did God make Eve from Adam’s rib?
by Russell Grigg
Creation in-depth: The Evangelical church
Has the evangelical church lost its ‘saltiness’ in the world by abandoning the authority of Scripture?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
Answering fools’ folly
Does the Bible contradict itself in Proverbs 26:4–5?
by David Catchpoole