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Exposing counterfeit science
Counterfeit science is worthless information. The details do not support the conclusions being drawn from the evidence.
by CMI editors
Cancer and Creation
Testimony of former cancer patient about facing discouraging odds of survival with a malignant tumour, including his Creation reflections, and how God worked in it for good.
by Marc Ambler
Forever young, a vain hope without God?
Is the pursuit of youth a vain hope? Is there scientific merit to the idea of living much longer than we do today?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Will the future be embodied?
Cryonics tries to sell us the idea of continuing future life by cleverly freezing our current bodies. But is this compatible with Scripture? Is it even scientifically feasible?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Is ‘female’ the most ‘basic’ human state?
Are men merely composed of ‘add ons’ to a basic ‘female’ template?
by Shaun Doyle
RNA Vaccines
RNA vaccines have been developed to fight COVID-19. Are they dangerous? Will they modify our DNA?
by Robert Carter
Destructive parasites: expressions of God’s creation?
Did God create destructive parasites?
by Warren Shipton
Answering question about 5G and COVID-19
People have concerns about the new 5G technology. Other mix in fear of the coronavirus to stir the pot of conspiracy theory. The answers are actually easy to find.
by Dr Robert Carter
Accounting for blighting plant and disfiguring animal diseases
How did the Fall affect fungi?
by Warren Shipton
Coronaviruses in creation
Most viruses are beneficial to living things, but occasionally one of them escapes whatever is controlling it and it run amok, burning hot but often quickly burning out.
by Robert Carter
What were Adam’s and Eve’s blood types?
Since God made Eve from Adam’s rib, would their blood types be identical? So how do we explain different blood types now?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger
A new study shows that Hans Asperger actively assisted the Nazi eugenics policies.
by Russell Grigg