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Nylon-eating bacteria—part 3: current theory on how the modified genes arose
25 May 2018
Did nylonase arise from mutations in a pre-existing enzyme?
by Royal Truman
Does the Bible tell us how God created?
24 May 2018
Does it give us a timetable? Does it give us the mechanics of how the parts came together?
by Chris Smith
Carriers trying to eliminate the plague
22 May 2018
Why secular attempts at ‘social justice’ are doomed to fail.
by Lita Sanders
Noah’s Ark on a Roman coin!
21 May 2018
The oldest coin to depict a biblical scene. What shape Ark does it depict?
by Phil Robinson
Does the Bible say polygamy is wrong?
19 May 2018
We answer: Were all Cain’s descendants wicked? And does the Bible say that polygamy is sinful?
by Lita Sanders
Nylon-eating bacteria—part 2: refuting Ohno’s frame-shift theory
18 May 2018
Did bacteria gain the ability to eat nylon through a random frame-shift mutation?
by Royal Truman
Antony van Leeuwenhoek
17 May 2018
Leeuwenhoek believed the perfections he saw in his tiny ‘animalcules’ showed that they were created by God and not by spontaneous generation.
by Russell Grigg
The robber crab
16 May 2018
Like a thief in the night, this creature from the deep raids the fruits of the forest.
by Robert Doolan
Creation evangelism at the St Louis Zoo
15 May 2018
Talking about animals helps point people to their Creator.
by Warren Nunn
Self contradictory atheism
14 May 2018
It’s irrational to think there is such a thing as ‘free energy’ in the universe.
by Chris Smith
Do oral traditions have any authority?
12 May 2018
How should Christians think about oral traditions and other claimed non-biblical sources of religious authority?
by Lita Sanders
Nylon-eating bacteria: part 1—discovery and significance
11 May 2018
How were they discovered? Why are they important for the creation/evolution debate?
by Royal Truman