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Post-Flood mutation of the KIT gene and the rise of white coloration patterns
20 Apr 2012
How did white coloration patterns arise in animals and humans post-Flood?
by Jean K. Lightner
Cosmic Inflation: Did it really happen?
11 Sep 2015
Progressive creationist Hugh Ross has declared as fact something about the alleged big bang that even evolutionists want to be true but have not claimed.
by John G. Hartnett
Creation in-depth: Three early arguments for deep time
12 Jul 2013
Part 2: volcanism
by John K Reed
Only the Bible explains the diversity of life
16 May 2016
The biblical explanation for the diversity of life fits the facts far better than Darwin’s theory.
by Dominic Statham
Hong Kong group launches a movie on its claimed ‘Noah’s Ark discovery’ at the Sydney Opera House
Hong Kong group launches a movie on its claimed ‘Noah’s Ark discovery’ at the Sydney Opera House
by Carl Wieland
The role of inspiration and imagination in design
01 Jul 2016
An adequate explanation of the concepts of design and inspiration in humans is lacking within an evolutionary framework.
by Matthew P. Brown and Janet Henriksen
The essential doctrine of the Trinity
30 Aug 2014
Does the Bible really teach that there is one God in three Persons?
by Lita Sanders
The limits of Neo-Darwinism
24 Jun 2012
What are mutations and natural selection capable of?
by Don Batten
Creation evangelism
24 Mar 2013
The ‘big picture’ in which the Gospel makes sense.
by Carl Wieland
Did Darwin Kill God
15 Dec 2009
A recent television charade promotes theistic evolution. But why would the BBC produce such a film?
by Russell Grigg
Do parents have the right to teach their children?
23 Oct 2010
Children are not yet capable of sorting through truth claims themselves, so who will teach them how?
by Lita Sanders
Were penguins specifically designed for freezing cold environments?
06 Aug 2022
This week we feature a friendly query about penguin design.
by Andrew Lamb