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Snowmen–Wintery figures point to design!
06 Jan 2015
The simplest of things can teach us profound lessons. Do snowmen and their creators demonstrate actual, or merely apparent, design?
by Phil Robinson
Is God left-handed?
05 Jan 2015
Gary Bates interviews peptide chemist Ken Funk Ph.D.
by Gary Bates
Comet lander Philae discovers organic molecules on comet 67P
04 Jan 2015
But it does not help the origin-of-life problem; it’s still impossible.
by Tas Walker
The Garden of Eden
03 Jan 2015
A ‘sanctuary’ from a hostile outside world?
by Shaun Doyle
The Flood—a designed catastrophe?
02 Jan 2015
Even though secular geologists acknowledge catastrophic events in earth’s history, because they deny a global flood they have a different concept of the records in the rocks.
by Shaun Doyle
Atheism needs evolution
01 Jan 2015
Far from the theory of evolution being derived from facts that speak for themselves, it is actually rooted in the philosophical concept of atheism.
by Calvin Smith
C.S. Lewis and evolution—A critical review
31 Dec 2014
C.S. Lewis was a leader in modern Christian thought. A genius in the literary field, he was nevertheless out of his depth in dealing with the issue of evolution.
by David Watson
Is cancer ‘very good’?
30 Dec 2014
Old earth creationists attempt to avoid the issue of ‘no death before the Fall’ by postulating animal death in the ‘very good’ creation. But is cancer and death ‘very good’?
by Calvin Smith
Fast-forming ‘Fly Geyser’
29 Dec 2014
This travertine rock formation in Nevada didn’t need millions (or even thousands) of years to form
by Jonathan O’Brien
Why does CMI focus on creation?
28 Dec 2014
A reader asks: shouldn’t we be focusing on evangelism rather than the divisive view of young-earth creation? We respond.
by Lita Sanders
Unsolved mysteries
27 Dec 2014
Should creationists do more to highlight weaknesses and mysteries in our understanding?
by Keaton Halley
Settling for less
26 Dec 2014
A review of God’s Words in Human Words by Kenton L. Sparks
by J.P. Holding