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The real ‘Jurassic park’?
03 Aug 2009
Not just DNA, but even entire organisms capable of being brought back to life are increasingly being found in specimens supposedly ‘millions of years old’.
by Shaun Doyle
The creation information argument—how does it stand up to the charge of circular reasoning, and more?
01 Aug 2009
Philip Bell and Carl Wieland respond to a young but very well-informed critic.
by Philip Bell, Carl Wieland
The man who made the wedge: James Hutton and the overthrow of biblical authority
09 Mar 2018
An author holds up James Hutton as the father of modern geology who freed science from religious orthodoxy, but do the ‘facts’ fit the ‘story’?
by Tas Walker
The fatal flaw with radioactive dating methods
30 Jul 2009
When you peel away the mystery it’s obvious that the dates are not objectively measured.
by Tas Walker
‘The child is father of the man’
29 Jul 2009
The attitudes of the young Charles Darwin help us understand his later theorizing.
by Graham Fisher
Go West, young man!
28 Jul 2009
Many people still think that missionaries are most needed in lands far away. But times have changed.
by Calvin Smith
Monarch manoeuvre
27 Jul 2009
Probably the most critical point of the Monarch butterfly’s amazing transformation from egg to butterfly is when it sheds its caterpillar skin to reveal the chrysalis.
by Dean and Lois Farrow
Darwin historians not misrepresented
25 Jul 2009
As CMI’s Darwin documentary The Voyage that Shook the World starts to impact, serious allegations emerge which are easily documented as incorrect.
by CW
The flat-earth myth and creationism
24 Jul 2009
Many antitheists assert that Christians of the past believe in a flat earth, so were the bane of Columbus. But Christian scholars have almost always accepted the earth’s roundness.
by Jerry Bergman
Charmed, I’m sure!
23 Jul 2009
Can a snake actually hear a snake charmer’s flute? The consensus is it doesn’t, while the Bible implies otherwise. Hence, skeptics say, the Bible is wrong. But the skeptics are mistaken.
by Calvin Smith
Did the moon landing bring evolutionary insights?
21 Jul 2009
Evolutionists claim that the Apollo 11 moon landing resulted in new insights about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. But the moon poses serious problems for evolutionary theory.
by Lita Sanders
Liberating animists
20 Jul 2009
A missionary to animists and Buddhists in S.E. Asia’s Mekong River region knows where to begin—at the beginning.
by Daron Himstedt